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  • 2025-02-18 19:29 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)

    "To expand our understanding of AI’s role in society, we aim to bring together technologists, theologians, scholars of religion, anthropologists, linguists, sociologists, ethicists, philosophers, and scholars from other related fields interested in this topic."

    For more information, please check out the CFP brochure here: MEEET-Lab Conference CFP Final.pdf 

  • 2024-12-17 11:23 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)

    The European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE) is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the ESSWE Thesis Prize 2025, which recognizes outstanding doctoral research in the field of Western esotericism. For more information please check

  • 2024-12-10 17:13 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)

    The intersection of education and esotericism represents an emerging but underexplored field within esotericism studies, education science, philosophy, anthropology, and religious studies. This anthology aims to bridge this gap by examining the profound yet often overlooked influence of esoteric thought on educational practices and institutions. It will investigate the conceptual origins, philosophical frameworks, and practical implementations of "esoteric and occult pedagogies" from their inception to the present day.

    Figures such as Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, and Annie Besant exemplify how esoteric ideas have profoundly shaped alternative educational models with lasting global impact. However, the esoteric underpinnings of their philosophies, as well as the broader institutionalization of such ideas, remain underrepresented in scholarly discourse. Through interdisciplinary approaches combining Ideengeschichte (history of ideas), cultural analysis, anthropology, and educational studies, this anthology will explore how these frameworks evolved and adapted across cultural and historical contexts.

    We invite contributions that explore themes including, but not limited to:

    • The esoteric influences on educational philosophies and practices developed by key educationists.

    • Comparative studies of esoteric educational institutions and their impact across cultures and periods.

    • The reception, adaptation, and reinterpretation of esoteric educational ideas within diverse historical and cultural settings.

    • The intersections of esotericism with mainstream and alternative pedagogical theories (e.g., Reformpädagogik).

    • Case studies of schools and institutions implementing esoteric pedagogical philosophies.

    • The boundaries and overlaps between esoteric, alternative, and mainstream educational practices, including systematic approaches to categorization and intersections.

    • Analysis of occult fiction and other literary works influencing esoteric pedagogies.

    • Contributions on the methodologies and approaches to teaching about esotericism.

    • Broader theoretical reflections on the historiography and methodology of studying esoteric education.

    Submission Guidelines

    • Abstracts: Please submit a 300–500-word abstract detailing your proposed contribution by January 31, 2025, along with a short bio.

    • Article Length: Final articles should not exceed 25,000 characters (including spaces, excluding bibliography).

    • Style Guide: A detailed style guide will be provided upon acceptance of your abstract.

    • Full Article Deadline: Final contributions are due by November 30, 2025.

    This anthology aims to bridge this gap by exploring the profound yet often overlooked intersections between esotericism and pedagogy. It seeks to examine the multifaceted interactions and exchanges between educational institutions, alternative learning practices, and esoteric thought, both globally and across different historical periods. 

    Submission Process

    Please send abstracts and author bios to by January 30, 2025. For inquiries or clarification about the scope of the anthology, contact or

    We look forward to receiving your contributions!

  • 2024-10-30 11:06 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)

    Welcome to an interdisciplinary summer school and conference “Religion: Concealed and Revealed” to be held 9–12 June 2025 in Turku/Åbo.

    The aim of the summer school and conference is to bring together doctoral candidates and researchers from various academic fields that engage with the study of religion, such as theology, religious studies, study of esotericism, history, philosophy, the arts, social and political sciences and other.

    The event starts with the summer school, on 9–10 June, where doctoral candidates are given the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing PhD work in a cross-disciplinary, international setting. The summer school consists of working groups, tutored by the keynote presenters and other academic teachers. There will also be a special stream of panels for Scandinavian PhD students focusing on esotericism, arranged in collaboration with SNASWE – Scandinavian Network for the Academic Study of Western Esotericism.

    Postdoc and senior researchers will present their papers in the conference from 11 to 12 June. Doctoral candidates are encouraged to stay for the conference sessions as well.

    Please click the link for more information:

  • 2024-10-29 14:55 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)

    The detailed program of the "CAS-E Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective" program series for the winter semester of 2024/25  can be found at:

  • 2024-10-16 13:00 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)



    Association for Art History Annual Conference

    9 – 11 April 2025


    Session Abstract

    When the art, visual culture, and creative practices of the ecological imagination are informed by esotericism, they reveal rejected knowledge and recover enchanted relationships. In recent years scholarship has expanded significantly in the fields of art and ecology, and art and esotericism, but intersections between all three categories remain underexplored.

    Egil Asprem and Kennet Granholm have noted one of the analytically most powerful capabilities of the concept of the esoteric is its ability to shine light on the ‘betwixt and between’ and phenomena that transgress seemingly impermeable borders. Esoteric thinking resists boundaries, linearities of time and progress, and conformity to anthropocentrism. Esotericism has long held the imagination as an important faculty to transcend the mundane and the human, the everyday and the present. Similarly, environmental philosophers have evoked the imagination to negotiate and conceive, simulate and project increasingly complex world systems. As Diana Villanueva-Romero, Lorraine Kerslake and Carmen Flys-Junquera have demonstrated, artworks promote environmental awareness through the exercise of imaginative processes, paving the way for encounters of affective knowledge between us and ‘other’ - the ‘more-than-human’. With the creative potential and possibilities of these mutual imaginative forces - both esoteric and ecological - artists explore alternative entanglements with the natural and supernatural, visualising the interconnectivity and reciprocity between planes, scales and beings.

    What are the visual manifestations and wider implications of the ecological imagination when it unites with esotericism? How are alternative entanglements conceived, envisioned and given form? This session invites papers to investigate the intersections of art, esotericism and ecology in their broadest sense, including transhistorical and global perspectives. In addition to academic papers, we welcome interdisciplinary approaches and other presentation formats from artists, ecologists and esoteric practitioners.

    Session Convenors

    Michelle Foot, University of Edinburgh,

    Natasha V. Moody, University of Plymouth / Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices,

    To offer a paper:

    Please email your paper proposals direct to the session convenors, details above.

    Provide a title and abstract (250 words maximum) for a 20-minute paper (or alternative presentation format), your name and institutional affiliation (if any).

    Please make sure the title is concise and reflects the contents of the paper because the title is what appears online, in social media and in the digital programme.

    Deadline for submissions: 1 November 2024

  • 2024-10-14 13:06 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)



    The 10 th Biennial Conference of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism


    Vilnius University, Lithuania, June 26-28, 2025

    To propose an abstract visit:

    The emergence of esotericism as an academic field has led scholars to reassess the simplistic ways in which it used to be treated by previous generations of historians, while questioning the cultural assumptions that informed traditional approaches to research. Central to this reassessment is the debate on rationality, which has traditionally positioned esotericism as in some way “irrational.” This conference will therefore be focused on exploring the complex relationship between esotericism and rationality.

    The study of esotericism specifically raises questions about transcending the binary of rationality versus irrationality and questioning established academic norms. These problematics are intimately connected to key theoretical and methodological concerns and to historical, psychological, anthropological as well as multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the field. We hope to foster a comprehensive discussion about the various aspects and manifestations of rationality as they emerge within the multifaceted domain of esotericism, thus encouraging scholars from disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, cultural and art studies, philosophy, political science, education, and others to return to this foundational issue in the field.

    Furthermore, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ESSWE and the 10th ESSWE conference, we extend an invitation to not only reflect on the past research that the study of esotericism has undertaken but also to critically examine its evolution and the diverse methodological paths it has explored over the years. We invite papers that analyze the development of the study of esotericism, consider shifts in scholarly approaches, and explore how these changes have shaped our understanding of esotericism.

    Building on the themes mentioned above, this year’s ESSWE conference invites participants to explore and discuss various aspects of esotericism and rationality in the broadest possible sense. Possible topics for discussion include, but are not limited to:

    • Concepts and understandings of rationality in global and local, historical and contemporary contexts of esotericism;
    • The relationship between rationality and irrationality;
    • The disenchantment, secularization, and rationalization of the world;
    • Methodological inquiries into the relationship between rationality and esotericism;
    • Challenges researchers face in their attempts to explore rationalities in esotericism;
    • Alternative and divergent rationalities, scientification, and legitimization strategies within esotericism;
    • Text, body, movement, music, space, and other media that embody diverse rationalities;
    • Intersections of concepts of rationality with gender, race, colonialism, and other concepts, processes, and issues;
    • The development of the study of esotericism.

    Organized by:

    European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE), Lithuanian Esotericism Study Group

    (LESG) at Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions (LSSR), Vilnius University (VU), Vytautas Magnus

    University (VMU)

    Organisational team:

    Adas Diržys, Eglė Aleknaitė-Škarubskė, Milda Ališauskienė, Ina Kiseliova-El Marassy, Aušra Pažėraitė, Vytis

    Silius, Deimantas Valančiūnas

    Scientific committee:

    Eglė Aleknaitė-Škarubskė, Henrik Bogdan, Adas Diržys, Aušra Pažėraitė, Manon Hedenborg White

    Contacts for information:, +370 682 28647

  • 2024-09-11 12:15 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)


    The 10th Biennial Conference of the

    European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism


    Vilnius University, Lithuania, June 26-28, 2025

    The emergence of esotericism as an academic field has led scholars to reassess the simplistic ways in which it used to be treated by previous generations of historians, while questioning the cultural assumptions that informed traditional approaches to research. Central to this reassessment is the debate on rationality, which has traditionally positioned esotericism as in some way “irrational.” This conference will therefore be focused on exploring the complex relationship between esotericism and rationality.

    The study of esotericism specifically raises questions about transcending the binary of rationality versus irrationality and questioning established academic norms. These problematics are intimately connected to key theoretical and methodological concerns and to historical, psychological, anthropological as well as multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches to the field. We hope to foster a comprehensive discussion about the various aspects and manifestations of rationality as they emerge within the multifaceted domain of esotericism, thus encouraging scholars from disciplines such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, cultural and art studies, philosophy, political science, education, and others to return to this foundational issue in the field.

    Furthermore, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of ESSWE and the 10th ESSWE conference, we extend an invitation to not only reflect on the past research that the study of esotericism has undertaken but also to critically examine its evolution and the diverse methodological paths it has explored over the years. We invite papers that analyze the development of the study of esotericism, consider shifts in scholarly approaches, and explore how these changes have shaped our understanding of esotericism.

    The Call for Papers will be announced soon.

    Organized by:

    European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE), Lithuanian Esotericism Study Group (LESG) at Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions (LSSR), Vilnius University (VU), Vytautas Magnus University (VMU)

    Organisational team:

    Adas Diržys, Eglė Aleknaitė-Škarubskė, Milda Ališauskienė, Ina Kiseliova-El Marassy, Aušra Pažėraitė, Vytis Silius, Deimantas Valančiūnas

    Scientific committee:

    Eglė Aleknaitė-Škarubskė, Henrik Bogdan, Adas Diržys, Aušra Pažėraitė, Manon Hedenborg White

  • 2024-04-26 15:57 | ESSWE admin (Administrator)





    ХIV Conference with International Participation

    Mystical and Esoteric movements in theory and practice:

    Religious Practices and “Mystical Experience”

    July, 2 – 4 2024

    online & offline

    Vladimir, Russia

    First Information Letter

    It would be hard to imagine esotericism and mysticism without their practical component. All mystical and esoteric movements have their practical side, be it ritual, self-suggestion or visualization. These practices may result in what is often called “mystical experience”, which determine the life of those who managed to obtain it. Besides, esoteric and/or mystical practices largely determine the tenets which regulate the life of the adepts.

    How does theory and practice relate to each other in mysticism and esotericism? What is the difference between magical and mystical practices both in the West and in the East? Does practice constitute the core of esotericism? Is it possible to have esotericism with no practical side whatsoever? What are the consequences of the received “mystical experience”? Al these questions require rigorous study and its results are to be discussed at the present conference.

    Participation in the colloquium may be of interest to anthropologists, literary scholars, philosophers, historians, scholars in the fields of culture and religion studies, psychologists, sociologists, and, of course, scholars of esotericism.

    The range of topics to be discussed at the conference includes:

    • relation of mystical and esoteric, mystical and magical practices;
    • study of practical aspects of mystical and esoteric movements;
    • practical side of the Eastern and Western mystical and esoteric movements, their similarities and differences;
    • religious practices in modern esotericism;
    • description of mystical experience and mystical practices in fiction and art;
    • religious practices in modern mass culture;
    • the influence of practices on the everyday life of the esotericists.

    The working languages of the conference are Russian and English. Applications for participation in the conference as speakers (as well as round table organizers) are to be filled in online at prior to June, 1, 2024.

    The fact of application does not guarantee its acceptance into the program of the conference. The organizing committee may request additional materials from the applicants in order to clarify the whereabouts of the application. The decision regarding each application will be made by the committee during the week following the deadline and will be sent to the applicants via e-mail.

    Prior to the start of the conference a program will be sent to the participants with the names of the speakers and the abstracts of their presentations.

    The participation fee is due for:

    • ASEM members as speakers – 1000 rubles
    • non-ASEM members as speakers – 2000 rubles
    • ASEM members as listeners – 500 rubles
    • non-ASEM members as listeners – 1000 rubles

    The fee is not paid by the members of the organizing committee, the conference working group and the administration of Vladimir State University.

    The listeners should specify in their applications their names, the form of their participation (online or offline), their place and country of residence, and their Zoom nickname in case of online participation.

    Graduate and postgraduate students of Vladimir State University, as well as university staff may attend the conference free of charge.

    In order to pay the fees the participants should contact the secretary of the organizing committee in advance before the conference via e-mail

    The committee favors offline participation at the conference. The number of online participants will be limited and each application for online participation will be considered individually.

    The materials presented at the conference will be published as a collective monograph indexed by Russian Science Citation Index. The articles limited to 25000 characters (including blank spaces and notes) will be received after the conference. The prospective authors will be informed about the due date. Participation in the conference as speaker is mandatory for the material to be published.

    All travel expenses are to be covered by the participants or their donors.

    The organizers may provide consultation in regard to accommodation in Vladimir.

    All questions are to be sent to:

    The organizing committee: E. I. Arinin (grand PhD), S. V. Pakhomov

    (PhD) – co-chairmen, A. S. Timoschuk (grand PhD), Dr. Prof. N. Radulović

    (Beograd), S. A. Zubkov (PhD), D. D. Galtsin (PhD), E. L. Kuzmishin (PhD), S. S.

    Petrukhin (secretary).

    Conference working group: Yu. V. Sergievskaya, N. L. Mariani.

    The address of the conference: Vladimir, Russia, ul. Gor’kogo, d. 87, aud.

    211 – 1 (main building).

    The e-mail address of the conference:

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